"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you" Ephesians 4:32
Last week Revd Sarah wrote a short article as we were waiting for the Church of England guidelines to be released. She wrote then that Compassion and Caution will be our guidelines and this is what we have used to write the first of many risk assessments.
From this Sunday we ask you to follow our local risk assessment. As you ponder all of this, we ask you to reflect on the bible verse, Ephesians 4;32 - ”Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you”. We all have different feelings on the easing of restrictions and we will need to be patient and loving with one another as we navigate the coming weeks and months as church family.

You no longer need to let anyone know you are coming to the church building. We are confident that there is enough room for everyone.
Please don’t come to church if you have any symptoms that could be Covid 19 or if you have been told to self isolate.
Please use hand gel when you enter/take communion/leave the building.
Please register your attendance using the QR code or by signing in for infection control purposes.
Please wear a face covering, especially when you are moving around the building and when singing. We will be singing again during some of our services, but need to be cautious.
Please respect people’s space. Some people still wish to keep their distance. We will not be sharing a physical sign of the peace at the moment.
Communion will now be given in two kinds, but the president will carefully dip the wafer in wine. Coeliacs will have a separate chalice so no cross contamination will take place. If you would prefer to receive in one kind (wafer only) contact the Revd Sarah.
Digital worship will continue. We are aware how appreciated this is.
Fellowship and Refreshments are still being risk assessed.
We will continue to follow the guidance given by the Church of England and continuously review our risk assessments so that we can continue to keep each other safe. Watch this space for more updates over the coming weeks.
God bless and stay safe!