We need your help...
We know that people give in a number of different ways, through prayer, volunteering and supporting those in the community. However, like many churches, charities and other organisations, St Barnabas is facing serious financial challenges. Whilst we believe that God will provide for our needs, we rely on giving from our church family to continue our ministry here in Tuffley, White City and Robinswood. We don't receive any money from the Government and rely on grants and charitable giving.
Your donation will help us to keep the building open and running smoothly, keeping the church and halls warm and safe for members of the community who use it. It also allows us to continue existing projects and develop new ones that focus on outreach and supporting our wonderful community. If you'd like to find out where you money goes, donate towards a specific project or give in non financial ways then please get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We know that times are hard for everyone at the moment, so please don't feel you need to give more than what you have. Even the smallest donations can make a huge difference. Thank you for your support.