With advent beginning on Sunday 27th November, Christmas is fast approaching! As in previous years, at St Barnabas, we will be following the Church of England campaign "Follow the Star - The Great Invitation". After a series of difficult Christmases where we were sometimes unable to gather in church (or in our homes!) we're really looking forward to celebrating Advent & Christmas in person, as a church family.

"Follow the Star - The Great Invitation encourages everyone to share the joy of gathering together to celebrate the birth of Jesus with their family, friends and neighbours - especially after two years where this has been impossible for many". The Church of England
We also know that for some, Christmas may be difficult this year due to increased financial pressures. If this is you then please feel free to get in touch and we will do our best to get you support. There are some wonderful charities in our local area included (but certainly not limited to) Foodbank, Gloucestershire Bundles and the Long Table.
At Christmas time we will hear the angels’ message about God’s ‘good news of great joy’ – that Jesus has come – and about the love he brings. Our Christmas services are a great opportunity to invite our friends and family to hear this message too. Next week our Christmas cards will be available in church and we will post a copy online. Whoever you are and regardless of if you've been to church before, all are welcome at St Barnabas and we are excited to share Christmas with you.
Dates for the diary:
Event/Service | Date | Time | Location |
Christmas Fair | Sat 3rd Dec | 12pm-2pm | In the Church |
Christingle | Sun 4th Dec | 4pm | In the Church |
Community Carols | Sun 11th Dec | 4pm | In the Church |
Messy Christmas | Sat 17th Dec | 10am-12pm | In the Halls |
World Cup Screening | Sun 18th Dec | Doors open at 2:30pm | In the Halls |
Carols & Communion for Caring Communities | Wed 21st Dec | 11am | In the Church |
Crib Service (Nativity) | Sat 24th Dec | 4pm | In the Church |
First Communion of Christmas | Sat 24th Dec | 11pm | In the Church |
Christmas Day Communion | Sun 25th Dec | 9am | In the Church |
Keep an eye on our social media pages and the news sheet for additional information about Christmas at St Barnabas as well as any changes that we may need to make. You can download this week's news sheet here: