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Word & Worship: "The Fruit of Thessalonica"

Word & Worship is on this Sunday 28th April at 5:30pm. The theme this month is "The Fruit of Thessalonica". Gavin will be leading us as we look and learn some Scripture together and encourage one another about opportunities we have to spread God's word. A great opportunity to dig deeper into God's word and it's relevance for our lives! Come along and bring a friend or two.

Thessalonica - An ancient city in Macedonia (now Greece)

Word & Worship is a relaxed service of prayer, worship and bible teaching. Each service usually follows a theme that may be explored through bible study, visiting speakers, sharing testimonies, prayer stations and more. Each service is different! Tea & Coffee are available from 5:30pm and sung worship is led by the Worship Band. All are welcome regardless of whether you attend church regularly or not.  

This Sunday:

10:30am: Together for Communion with Children/Young People's groups over in the halls. Activities for 4s and under at the back of church.

5:30pm: Word and Worship


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