To the people of St Barnabas
In this season of Easter I want to thank you for the different ways you are being Christ's people of love and hope to one another and to the wider community. As we continue to live these strange days, I am reminded of the first disciples, who certainly knew what it was to live with the unexpected.
As you know, we had been planning that Sarah Todd would have a clear ending as curate and then return to be licensed and installed as your new Vicar and Priest-in-Charge of Matson at a wonderful service attended by many. However, plan have had to change.
Having consulted with Archdeacon Hilary and the churchwardens, I am keen that sarah takes on the authority of incumbent as soon as possible and so on Monday 27th April, I will be licensing her over Zoom from my home. The churchwardens will also be present from their own homes. It will be a very short and simple event so that the legalities are covered. We will then look forward to a significant service at St Barnabas when we are all able to return to our church buildings. That service will be all about welcoming Sarah as vicar within the context of celebrating the ministry of the whole worshipping community as you continue to live out your baptismal calling to follow Christ.
Please hold Sarah in your prayers as you continue to support and pray for one another. Please be assured of my prayers for you".