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Monday 23rd March - A Message from Rev Sarah Todd

"Hello all. Many of you will have just heard the Prime Minister's statement on new ways that we can all make a difference and slow the spread of Covid-19. We must stay home. We can go shopping infrequently for basic necessities. We can exercise daily in family groups. We can travel to and from work. Along with other public buildings, our church building will now be closed. However, this does not mean that the church is closed!

We will continue to pray for the current serious situation. We will continue to offer essential care where we safely and legally can, working with recognised community groups. We will continue to minister to bereaved families. We will develop our 'Barnabas Buddies' phone support network and we will continue to meet online, making the most of the technology we have available.

Please pray and please follow the government advice. Stay home - this is the best way you can help others! God bless you all"


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