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What's On | Holy Week & Easter

Following Palm Sunday and the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey, we now find ourselves in Holy Week.

Online Worship

Morning Prayer continues as usual on Facebook beginning at 10.00am this week. In the evening, the team will be visiting different places in Gloucester to lead Holy Week Reflections, Monday-Wednesday on Facebook at 7.00pm. On Thursday evening, we will be joining in with the Gloucester Cathedral's Maundy Thursday Communion live from the Cathedral at 7.30pm. This will replace Evening Prayer for this week!

On Good Friday, join online for The Last Hour at 2pm where we will reflect on the crucifixion and the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. We will meet both in person in the church grounds and online on Sunday at 10.30am for Easter Sunday Celebration! If you would like to join in person then please email or contact us through the "get in touch" page.

Messy Easter Weekend!

We're getting REALLY excited now! The Church in Tuffley has been busy planning & filming crafts and we're now getting ready to upload all the videos online! Keep reading to get a sneak peak and download craft templates. You can download the sheet here to find out what ingredients and craft items you will need!

Good Friday

10:00am: Opening Prayers and Welcome with Helen McGeoch

10:05am: The Easter Story - Part One!

10:20am: Egg Weaving

10.35am: Scratch Art - Rainbow Egg

10.50am: Easter Hand Prayer Card

11:05am: Easter Chick

11:20am: Palm Sunday Donkey

11:35am: Stone in the Tomb Biscuits

11:50am: Marble Rolling

12:05pm: The Easter Story - Part Two!

12:20pm: Closing Prayers with Revd Sarah Todd

Remember, you can find the videos on the St Barnabas YouTube/Facebook page or the Facebook Pages of our brothers and sisters in the Church of Tuffley! Please note that the timings are a little different on YouTube and will be on the 00, 15, 30 and 45.

Easter Saturday

10:00am: Opening Prayers and Welcome with Helen McGeoch

10:05am: Puppet Show with Pippa and Smudge!

10:20am: Cross Craft

10:35am: Cross Cup Cakes

10:50am: Easter Bunnies

11:05am: New Life Crosses

11:20am: Easter Story Spinner

11:35am: Cross with Nails & Thread

11:50am: Bunch of Lilies

12:05pm: Hand Print Flowers

12:20pm: Closing Prayers with Father Gerry Walsh

Tuffley Easter Egg Hunt!

The map has arrived! Once you've finished all of your Messy Easter crafts, how about joining in with the Tuffley Easter Egg Hunt? Several volunteers have decorated their windows and may have hidden some chocolate eggs! You can view or download the map here. Send you pictures in when you find the windows!

It's going to be a great week!


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