Venue Hire
There are 4 bookable spaces at St Barnabas, 3 in the halls and the main church building. For further information about prices and availability please get in touch below.
How to book
Our venues are listed below. If you are unsure of which venue would be best for you then please get in touch and we would be happy to discuss options with you. You can either book by using our online booking system or by emailing Hannah (our administrator) at office@stbg.uk. If you choose to email, it would be helpful if you could let us know which venue you are thinking about and your ideal dates/times. If there is a pre-existing booking, we can look at alternative dates with you.
Once your booking is agreed, you will be asked to fill in the booking form and read the conditions of hire. You can download these below but you will also be sent them directly. Your booking is only confirmed once we have received your deposit.