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News Sheet - Sunday 14th July

Download this week's news sheet below!

Worship this Sunday:

  • 10:30am - Together for Communion with an end of year party for children and young people in the halls - fun, games and party food!

Can you help? Our Children's work is growing and we need more volunteers to help keep the work going each Sunday morning. You don't need any experience or training as we can provide what you need. Most volunteers help out one Sunday a month and we work the rota around your other commitments. If you are interested in helping our children and young people learn more about Jesus, please speak to Naomi or email her at

Rev Catherine would like to say a very big THANK YOU to all who helped make her ordination and first Eucharist weekend so special. She is very grateful for the love, prayers and support she received, as well as your very generous gifts.

Download the news sheet for church family news, readings of the week, reflections, prayer requests and more!


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