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Public Worship

We pleased that we are now in a position to trial our first gathered worship in the church building this Sunday 2nd August at 0900. This service will be for the Ministry Team and the PCC who will gather together to worship but also to make final checks that all risk assessments and best practice actually work. Private prayer will run as usual this Sunday from 3pm-4.30 pm.

We hope to open the building for a church family communion service on Sunday 9th August at 0900 if this weeks trial goes well. Numbers will be limited so we will be taking weekly bookings. Please ring, leaving a message or email Sarah on 07534 720160 or from Wednesday night at 7pm. We will do our best to make sure that you have a seat and will ring to confirm. If there is no space, you will be on the priority list for the following week. Please don’t turn up unless you hear from Sarah or another team member.

We can only accept your booking if you agree to the following criteria:

1. You agree to self—screen and not attend if you have any of the symptoms of Covid 19 (new cough, high temperature, loss of sense of smell or taste)

2. You agree to wear a face covering. This is for your benefit and the benefit of others in our church family.

3. You agree to wash and/or gel your hands on entry and exit.

How things will look and feel

You will be asked to queue outside of the building until the doors open at 9am. You will then be invited to enter through the South Porch, put on a face covering if you aren’t wearing one already, asked to give your details for the Government Track and Trace scheme, gel or wash your hands and then be shown to your seat by the welcoming team. Please move straight to your seat, following the one way system, all signage and the directions of the welcoming team.

We will share in a simple but beautiful said communion service. The celebrant will give clear directions throughout the time we spend together. We have a hearing loop system. Service sheets will not be used, all that is needed for worship will be on the screen. This avoids cross-contamination. If you need a printed copy for any reason, please inform Sarah when you book and there will be one on your seat waiting for you.

When it is time to take communion, you will be directed by the welcome team. We will be taking it at the high altar, please observe the markings on the carpet as you queue. Please wear your mask. The bread will be silently dropped into your hands. Make your way back to your seat, following the welcome team’s directions and using the prayer on the screen, consume the bread and then replace your mask. You may wish to bring your own hand gel to gel before and after doing this. At the end of the service, follow the directions of the welcome team who will direct you outside.

Thank you to everyone for their hard work in planning for the reopening and for your prayers.


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