Daffodils and bluebells are appearing, the trees are full of blossom and the air seems a little bit warmer - Spring has finally arrived and with it, we're looking ahead to Easter!
Messy Easter Weekend!
This year, Messy Easter is online and we will be joining together with St Georges, English Martyrs and Grange Baptist churches as part of the Church in Tuffley. There's art, craft, baking, stories and a puppet show and we are excited for it all to start! The event begins at 10.00am on Good Friday (2nd April), ending at 12.00pm on Saturday 3rd April. Videos will be popping up throughout the days and you can find them on St Barnabas Gloucester Facebook page and YouTube, St George's Messy Church Facebook page and Grange Baptist's Facebook page. If you "like" the page you'll be able to get updates when new videos are up! You can find out how to do this here.
Lists for craft materials will be available closer to the time and we'll post any updates in the news sheet and also on the event page on Facebook.
Easter Egg Hunt
For those of you who prefer to get outside and get moving, join the Easter Egg Hunt! If you were walking around Tuffley over Christmas time, you may have noticed that some windows were beautifully decorated and lit up as advent windows. This time, we have an Easter theme. The windows will be decorated from Friday 2nd April until Friday 16th April and a map will be available closer to the time. If you'd like to decorate your window and appear on the map, sign up on the Facebook page Tuffley Easter Egg Hunt - make sure you include an Easter egg!
Easter Worship
After a recent PCC meeting, we will be physically gathering for all age worship on Easter Sunday, place and time to be announced soon but it will most likely be outside. We will also be online worship as usual. Keep an eye out for more news over the coming week!
Easter Holidays
We are going to be working with other churches and organisations in White City on a Easter holiday food project based at Trinity Baptist church. We need 10 volunteers to help pack food in Holy Week in the mornings from about 0930, and then in Easter week, some early bird volunteers who can be available from 0700 until 1100. This is a city wide project to help children receiving free school meals eat well in the holidays. Please pray and see if God is calling you to volunteer for this important Mission and Outreach project at this special time in our churches year. Contact Sarah on 07534 720160 if you can help or have questions.
Easter Services
Any questions at all, get in touch! Looking forward to seeing you all over the coming weeks.