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Alpha with St Barnabas

Begins Wednesday 20th September at 7pm

St Michael's Hall, 12 Robert Raikes Avenue, Tuffley, GL4 0QG

Is there more to life than this?

Does God heal today?

How does God guide us?

Alpha is a chance to gather together to explore the big questions in life, usually in a small group. Alpha is open to everyone regardless of what you do or don’t believe.  We will meet on the 20th September 7pm until 9:15pm with free food. The meetings will continue weekly for those who want to explore more.


Each session begins with a shared meal and offers a chance to catch up or get to know eachother.



We will then watch a video from the film series that focuses on the question (or questions) that will be explored in the session. 


Then it's time to discuss! It's an opportunity to share any thoughts or questions you may have about the theme for that week.

All are welcome! If you would like to come along please drop us an email or use the form below. You can also speak to Ian Todd in church.


Get in touch!

We'll be in touch soon!

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